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 Bespoke Automation Solutions

By now we've worked with enough coffee roasters to understand that it truly is a form of art. You work hard to get that perfect roast into as many hands as possible!

But a large and often time consuming part of that process is packing your product.

From our years of experience and talking to some really fantastic people, we've come to learn a lot of the pitfalls you may come across whilst packing your roast:

  • Wasted product due to over or under weighing

  • Spillage when packing by hand

  • Contamination risks when hand packing or using old, worn out equipment

  • It's a slow, laborious and time consuming process

  • Difficulty finding the time to upscale and grow your business

All of these factors come together in a way that affects your income and expenditure, your quality control and how your customers view and trust your brand.

That's a lot to juggle!

At Pack Stuff, we specialise in bespoke automated packing solutions that are guaranteed to shift your production up a gear - whether this is your first machine or you're looking to upgrade to a bit of serious kit.

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  • Each Pack Stuff machine is built using industrial grade materials, ensuring a long life that keeps up with you and your production.

  • A wealth of modifications and customisability also means we can build the perfect solution for you, completely unique! 

  • All of our control panels - whether digital or touch screen - are designed to be intuitive and easy to use. Many have the capability to store up to 10 pre-sets, enabling you to change production parameters on the fly.

  • Every component along the food path is manufactured to be removable or easy to access for quick and efficient cleaning. With many of our machines you simply take off the part you wish to clean and pop it in the sink - it's as easy as that! 

But don't take our word for it!


We sat down with Mark from Campervan Coffee Co. to talk about the growth of his business, the challenges he's faced through the pandemic and how Pack Stuff provided an automated solution that allowed Mark to spend more time roasting coffee and less time packing it!

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Gareth from carvetii coffee

Gareth Kemble
Co-founder & Owner
Carvetti Coffee

"After contacting Pack Stuff and having a detailed discussion, we decided to go ahead and purchase a SpeedBox™️ 2500. Unfortunately lockdown delayed our purchase and we needed to wait until we reopened. Luckily, when we did finally reopen, we were awarded a business development grant and Pack Stuff were very helpful in providing everything we needed, to finalise the process. They even hand delivered the machine, trained us and were incredibly helpful. I happily recommend this machine and the company". 

Roawn from Glen Lyon Coffee Scotland

Rowan Mallon
Director & General Manager
Glen Lyon Coffee Roasters

"We first purchased an iSeal™️ 900V, heat sealing machine from Pack Stuff in 2020 and then a SpeedBox™️ 2500 filling machine 6 months later. This was a big game changer for our business, allowing us more time to focus on growing the business and serving our customers". 

John from Sugar and Crumbs

John McFarland
Director & General Manager

"Following our continued growth, we launched a new range of flavoured icing sugars and needed a compact filling machine. We purchased a SpeedBox™️500, for dosing 50g pouches. It is incredibly easy to use and easy to clean. Exactly what we were looking for and I highly recommend Pack Stuff"




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