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VacStuff 900


VacStuff™️ Heavy Duty, Industrial Grade, Pneumatic Air Conveyor with Digital Control Panel

Introducing VacStuff™️

Automating your production doesn’t stop at weighing and filling machines, rather, it is the beginning. Businesses moving large quantities of product need to be able to do so continuously and effortlessly. We introduce…




VacStuff™️ by Pack Stuff is a British manufactured, industrial grade, heavy duty pneumatic air conveyor (also known as a vacuum conveyor, an air loader or a vacuum loader) designed to help you seamlessly transfer bulk, dry, granular or piece type free-flowing products in a fully enclosed and hygienic environment.


Capable of sensing when more product is required, VacStuff™️ will automatically feed more product into the hopper and our spiral open-flow technology reduces breakages to a minimum.


Let your production flow with VacStuff™️.

How much will VacStuff™️ cost?

Starting at £6430.44 our pneumatic air conveyors provide high quality production for a low price. Please contact us for more detailed pricing. 


Our conveyors are capable of many modifications and their specifications may change depending on your product, so we need to chat with you before making any decisions.


We recognise that you are considering an important business decision and that requires a professional consultation. Get in contact with us and one of our expert engineers will craft the best VacStuff™️ solution for you and your business.

Key information

The standard hoppers on all our SpeedBox™️ machines are designed to hold enough product to make production viable however we sometimes recommend a larger capacity assembly, to increase feed capacity.


This is generally recommended when your product density is very low, for example, loose leaf tea, herbs or anything very light.


This can increase the price of your build between £110-£440 depending on the type of modification.

💡Tip: The maximum weight you can lift above your head, with your arms extended is 3kg for women and 5kg for men. Safety is everything, please consider a conveying system. See this link for more details

Pack Stuff
Knowledge Centre

Giving you the knowledge to help you make an informed decision!

What dry products do we Pack?

Packing & Weighing Automation Made Simple

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